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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Seed yield 3-3
Parent 1:Noir 1
Parent 2:Minsoy
Trait name:Seed yield

SourceAccession Number
Plant Trait OntologyTO:0000396

Seed yield 3-1
Seed yield 3-2

Sd yld 3-3

Mansur et al. 1996Genetic mapping of agronomic traits using recombinant inbred lines of soybean. 
Crop Sci. 1996, 36(5):1327-1336

A6bParent_11831 kg/ha
A6bParent_22047 kg/ha

F7-derived RIL

PI278902034 kg/ha
PI2901362206 kg/ha


Analysis of variance

A6b a cytoplasmic RFLP marker linked to chlorosis
Parent_1 is Noir 1, Parent_2 is Minsoy

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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